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Family cases in Dubai encompass a range of legal matters related to family law and personal relationships. Here are some key points to consider regarding family cases in Dubai:

Personal Status Law

Family matters in Dubai, including marriage, divorce, child custody, and inheritance, are primarily governed by Islamic law, also known as Sharia law. The Personal Status Law provides the legal framework for resolving family disputes and regulating personal relationships.

Islamic Family Law

Islamic law places a strong emphasis on family relationships and provides guidelines for various aspects of family life, including marriage, divorce, child custody, and inheritance. Family cases in Dubai often involve applying Islamic principles and jurisprudence to resolve disputes and make legal decisions.


In Dubai, marriage is typically conducted in accordance with Islamic law, and couples must meet certain requirements and procedures to formalize their marriage legally. Family cases related to marriage may include disputes over marriage contracts, dowry payments, and marital rights and obligations.


Divorce in Dubai is governed by Islamic law, which provides grounds for divorce and outlines procedures for initiating and finalizing divorce proceedings. Family cases involving divorce may include disputes over division of assets, spousal support, and child custody and visitation arrangements.

Child Custody

Child custody cases in Dubai are decided based on the best interests of the child, taking into account factors such as the child's age, gender, and welfare. Sharia law prioritizes the mother's custody of young children, while older children may have a say in custody arrangements.


Inheritance laws in Dubai are based on Islamic principles of succession, which dictate how a deceased person's estate is distributed among their heirs. Family cases involving inheritance may include disputes over the distribution of assets, interpretation of wills, and claims to inheritance rights.

Family Mediation

In some family cases, parties may opt for mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method to resolve conflicts amicably and avoid lengthy court proceedings. Family mediation services are available in Dubai to help parties reach mutually acceptable agreements on issues such as divorce, child custody, and financial support.

Legal Assistance

Family cases in Dubai can be complex and emotionally challenging, requiring expert legal guidance and representation. It's essential to seek advice from a qualified family law attorney with experience in Dubai's legal system to protect your rights and interests effectively.

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